Why miscarriage?

Some pregnancies are not carried to full term, resulting in a miscarriage. Spontaneous abortion is the technical term for a miscarriage. It is defined as the loss of a pregnancy before twenty weeks.

The most likely reason for a miscarriage is a chromosomal abnormality in the fetus as a result of low progesterone and low estradiol levels that make it unlikely for the fetus to survive.

Other reasons for a miscarriage include:

  • cervical incompetence (the cervix opens and thins before the pregnancy has reached full term)
  • ectopic pregnancy (implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity, most commonly in one of the fallopian tubes)
  • infection
  • glandular disorders
  • diabetes
  • and pregnancy-induced hypertension (high blood pressure)

Miscarriages generally are not caused by exercise, sexual activity, heavy lifting, or falls.

What to do if you start bleeding when pregnant

Bleeding is not necessarily a sign of impending miscarriage, but it should always be taken seriously. A pelvic examination and ultrasound will probably be necessary to determine if your cervix has started to dilate and if the membranes surrounding the fetus have broken.

Premature labor is the onset of rhythmic uterine contractions before fetal maturity. It usually occurs between the twentieth and thirty-seventh week of gestation.

Read: Infertility in men; what you need to know

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